The Cohesion Remerging Healing
Enter into deeper and more expansive harmony with the Macrocosmic Symphony of Your Soul. Remerge with your Unique Complexity and Embrace Cohesion with the Eternality of your Totality.
Experience a 5-min invitation to the Cohesion Remerging Healing HERE.
Enter into deeper and more expansive harmony with the Macrocosmic Symphony of Your Soul. Remerge with your Unique Complexity and Embrace Cohesion with the Eternality of your Totality.
Experience a 5-min invitation to the Cohesion Remerging Healing HERE.
Enter into deeper and more expansive harmony with the Macrocosmic Symphony of Your Soul. Remerge with your Unique Complexity and Embrace Cohesion with the Eternality of your Totality.
Experience a 5-min invitation to the Cohesion Remerging Healing HERE.
The Highlights:
Activate a Soul Reunion
Receive a Deep Transmutation of Abandonment Woundings
Clear Resentment-fueled Self-Sabotage
Soothe Overwhelm
Enter a New Level of Embodiment
Finally Figure Out What That Next Step or Next Piece Is
Unleash Yourself to Re-Write the Rules
Is This for You?
You’ve been feeling overwhelmed or stuck
You want to heal deeper layers of your Abandonment Woundings
You’re ready to deepen self-healing around your self-sabotage loops
You’re looking to embrace a more expansive and complex view of yourself
You feel like there’s more you’re meant to connect with, more you’re meant to know about yourself and the cosmos but can’t quite grasp it.
You want to deepen your connection to, and innate embodiment of, your Macro Soul or Highest Self
You’re curious about the Remerging modality and attunement I offer and want to get a feel for its energy
You simply feel a magnet pull to this and intuitively know it’s the next right step for your growth.
The Cohesion Remerging Healing: A Macrocosmic Embodiment Activation
This healing reunifies you with the nuance of your soul complexity from origin to totality by tapping into the energy illuminated by the Cohesion Event - and amplified by the Remerging healing modality. It soothes and transmutes resentment coding around themes of Abandonment which were highlighted core collective woundings persistently reinforcing tension and fog - limiting our ability to tap into more nuanced and expansive Macrocosmic Embodiment.
This healing also spends time reunifying and intricately re-weaving your connections to lost regions in our macrocosm linked to your unique soul lineage. It begins opening up your energy body’s capacity to hold and illuminate its full soul mechanism potential - coaxing out lost soul mechanisms the human energy bodies are meant to be able to wield. The healing ends with transmissions spoken directly to your soul for remembering more of yourself and how to work with what has been activated - followed by an Anchoring Song Weaving that supports you in integrating the Cohesion Remerging Activation more easily and effectively - providing a coded portal that you can tap into timelessly for self-exploration sessions
For this Healing You Will:
Receive an Instant Download Link for a Pre-Recorded 3-hour Energy Weaving Healing. Transmitted primarily through light language dialect and song, infused with binaural beats, frequency, nature codes, this part of the energy healing will appear similar to my song weavings. But, this is 85 minutes of continuous energy weaving healing across every dimension of my soul body, followed by 88-minutes of ‘cool down’ song weaving to help your energy body process and integrate the full extent of those 85 minutes more gently and deeply.
Since the actual healing is mostly transmitted in Soul Language, You’ll Receive a Comprehensive Digital Integration Handbook that breaks down the key themes of the healing, how they may impact you, and techniques that teach you how to self-develop your macrocosmic embodiment and actively wield the energy that the healing is illuminating for you.
Keep in mind that the Cohesion Remerging Healing is in the Backstage Pass phase right now.
Here's how that works, you'll receive the healing & activation information in these phases:
- Upon purchase you'll receive the first half of the Integration Manual that holds the 3-hr pre-recorded Energy Weaving Healing video, and 27 pages of everything you need to know for the activation and early integration stage of this healing
- Within another 3-weeks you'll receive the final part of the Integration Manual for the long-term integration and activation activities
-Email Integration Support. Have a question? Technical Difficulties? Weird integration effect? Shoot me an email at anytime.
This activation is like an energetic defibrillator that over the course of the 3-hours and culminating integration stage will gradually bring your heart into a deeper harmonious symposium with the fullness of your being.
You've already contracted the energetic appointment for this healing and Soul Reunion, all you have to do now is activate it.
Bonus Notes:
If you’re unfamiliar with my primary modality of Energy Weaving you can explore insight about it HERE.
This timeless healing also features the Remerging modality, a modality that I was asked to begin caretaking into the Earth collective on 11/01/24 during the earliest stages of The Cohesion Event. This modality is a potent activator of Macrocosmic Embodiment, creating a conduit for more easily and effectively embracing your unique soul energy across all of totality. Throughout this Cohesion Remerging Healing you are being initiated into deeper remembrance and communion with your soul essence, purging that which was blocking your way from accessing more of your beautiful complexity, and receiving a full soul body alignment into your most expansive reality.
Practical Notes:
This service is NOT intended for mental, physical, or legal advice and is not intended to treat, diagnose, or otherwise address these issues. Please see a trained licensed healthcare or legal provider if you are experiencing any reoccurring or acute health issues.
Energy Weaving is not intended to ‘fix’ anything about you because you are not broken. The unique construct of your soul makeup is incredibly complex and expressed with great unfathomable intellect. Energy Weaving and Remerging Healing helps you to uncover the reasons for dysregulated systems and identifies the root macrocosmic causes for them in order to unravel and reweave them in more aligned ways. I am actively re-weaving your soul makeup, but only because this is already something you knew you would be ready for and contracted into your incarnate experience.
This is a PRE-RECORDED energy weaving healing and activation. You will receive an instant download link to access a video with background insight into the healing and the full 3-hour healing recording. You will receive the Backstage Pass for the Live Digital PDF as it is being created and the full PDF upon completion to provide you with more insight into the nuances addressed through this energy healing.
No Refunds, Returns, or Cancellations. All Sales are Final