Soul Mechanisms 101: The Authenticity Framework
The Authenticity Framework
The Authenticity Framework describes a combination of three soul mechanism systems that each govern over facets that are most inherent to a souls individuality. Each system governs over a different expression of this: the Authenticity Hub holding the stories of experience that shape individuality, the Authenticity Core the centralizations of energetic flows that anchor individuality, and the Authenticity Grid, where the connection to interactions build individuality.
The Authenticity Framework heavily supports the nature of a souls unique spark, but it’s also the foundational framework of the soul system - almost exclusively the framework first created in the formation of an individual soul. It is therefore also tied to all other systems and mechanisms in some form or another. Within the authenticity framework lies the creation hub, a system we’ll talk about another day, but that which creates all other mechanisms and energies in the soul body. If you’re looking for the very core of who you are as you exist across all time and space, it will be found here in the Authenticity Framework, one infinitely complex part of a much more complex you.
While there are anywhere from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands of micro-mechanisms throughout the three main systems in the Authenticity Framework, most of these can be found in the Authenticity Hub.
The Authenticity Hub
Looking at an Authenticity Hub
This is a stylized depiction of the shape of the Authenticity Hub. Coloring can vary and indicate various things. This is a representation of a much older soul, as they sometimes have so much lived experience it spills out into loose cloud-like energetic chambers that float around the Hub.
Authenticity Hub - A macro-system expanding over the duration of incarnations and holding thousands of other sub-systems and micro-mechanisms of a localized function. Where the majority of all memory, contracts, source seed encoding, and other relational data and mechanistic functions are stored.
The Authenticity Hub essentially looks like a floating donut at the bottom of a sphere. There are multiple sheet-like layers with various functions lining the ‘donut’, and inside the hub are hundreds to thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of ‘rooms’ filled with many different localized functions. The ‘older’ or more experienced a soul is, the more rooms and mechanisms will be found in this hub. Factors like the importance of family, access to past life wisdom, the prevalence of repressed or corrupted memories, and even preferences for certain areas of a planet/galaxy/universe can all be gleaned from a even a cursory walk through the halls of someones Authenticity Hub. While this is quite literally just scratching the surface, I’ll touch on the three primary ‘storage’ areas within the Authenticity Hub.
Akashic Records
Arguably, the Akashic Records holds all of the energetic memory and data of your soul, period. There are even other sub-structures related to the akashic records in other areas of the soul body. But, there are specific energetic layers and sectors within the Authenticity Hub that hold the vast majority of your records as a soul. This can include mechanism structures holding information for spirit contracts, areas of soul specialization, significant memories, anchored lessons, and of course more general information. Both of the following storage areas also fall under the category of information held in the Akashic records, but they take up enough additional space on their own within the Hub to warrant extra discussion.
Soul Lineage
The storage of soul lineage is mostly focused on logging the journey of a soul over it’s process of incarnations and the information gained from those travels. Understandably, this can be a lot of data. Depending on the quantity and duration of lived experiences that a soul has had at the point of a visit, the size and complexity of chambers holding the stories of those experiences will vary. The way in which the chambers related to soul lineage are structured is one of many points of individualization that can occur, and can say a lot about what is deemed as most valuable to that soul. Are the chambers structured based on location? Duration? Are some stories or themes given more space and centralization than others? Particularly in client sessions, it’s also valuable to look at areas that are blocked off, shadowed, or show other signs of corruption or ‘forgetting’. Sometimes these areas are blocked off by spirit surgeons at the time of an incarnation because certain information simply isn’t meant to be accessed in that incarnation. Other times areas are blocked off that want to be remembered.
Soul Family
Our interactions with others are pivotal pieces of what shapes our own individuality over the course of our soul growth. So it’s no wonder that there is significant dedicated space within the Authenticity Hub to essentially remember these interactions and hold onto what they ‘activated’ for us in our growth. The mechanism storage for soul family can vary somewhat depending on the soul, and to some degree it can be found in or near the storage for soul lineage where the holding of those memories and integration of experiences is. But as a soul evolves over incarnations there is typically also additional mechanisms that develop to be more specialized in holding what are essentially traits. This makes for more efficient access when spirit surgeons are helping to ‘update’ your soul for the next incarnation. These ‘traits’ each have links to the more complex ‘story’ in the soul lineage and even broader akashic records storage centers, but the ‘gist’ of the energy can be activated through these specialized storage centers. These specific traits are all tied to qualities that arose from physical connection to family in past incarnations, and/or skills developed through connection to them. Typically there is some level of choice by the soul to prioritize these traits in this specialization area in the Authenticity Hub as a way to honor and maintain some level of connection to a life or family member even after leaving an incarnation.
Near these areas of specialization are also typically the mechanisms holding the energetic ties to significant soul family members, particularly those who have a likelihood of being accessed through ancestry or spirit team connection in a given incarnation. Think of it like the energetic equivalent of a file with their akashic phone number and profile. Not all of these ‘traits’ or soul family member connections may be activated in all incarnations, but energies and themes found in these areas of the Authenticity Hub are likely to hold great significance to the soul overall and are a great way to get a more summarized look at what is important to a soul.
The Authenticity Core
Looking at the Authenticity Core
A stylized depiction of the authenticity core. It can appear differently depending on the soul. For souls currently incarnated on earth, there are typically around 7 section on the outer layer of varying sizes and forms. Looking down from the top view on the right, you’ll see outer layer and an inner core - these correlate most to the Power functions. The inner sections hold a variety of energetic currents including those supporting the Identity and Perspective functions.
Authenticity Core - The point of ‘orientation’ and storage center of the original energy potential of your soul birth. It is a cylindrical system of interconnected energy currents that maintain the movement of energy flow throughout the inner soul body and are responsible for the ability of all other mechanism structures to function.
While the Authenticity Hub was a lot more focused on the storage of specific forms of information, the Authenticity Core is more akin to a system of intertwined and interacting energetic currents that typically form a cylindrical tube at the center of the sphere. The Authenticity Core acts as the primary energetic highway that connects the whole soul, holds the fuel of the soul, and helps maintain the active integration and experience of all the mechanisms of the soul working together. It’s no small feat. When the Authenticity Core is harmonized and running efficiently, the rest of the soul will work more harmoniously as well, but when there is damage or distortion in the energetic currents or mechanisms within the Authenticity Core, there will be impacts in all other areas of the soul. While the Authenticity Core is made up of many different energetic currents and structures, there are three main themes it’s micro-structures are focused on supporting in the soul:
Power - How we are Fueled
When a soul is first being created, the source seed is split into three layers of function. We’ll talk about that more another day, but what’s important to know now is that part of the source seed goes on to become the authenticity core and is the source fuel that maintains the function of the soul over time. While we’re all connected to and fueled by source energy, because each individual source seed is different, the way we are fueled is also different. For one example, the source seed is a unique blend of source energy as well as void energy, the specific nature of that blend alone can impact the way a soul is fueled as an individual. As a soul develops over time the coding and energetic currents evolve even more refined and unique expressions of this capacity for power and how it is maintained. Looking at the flow and interaction of energies in the Authenticity Core can show if a soul has encountered blockages around their sense of power, and even what themes most impacted that. It can also show signs of what types of interacting energies or themes can be used to amplify a sense of power or access to energy in the body.
Identity - How we Experience Ourselves
Within the energetic currents moving through the Authenticity Core are a system of interacting mechanisms that support with fueling and connecting to other mechanisms that are responsible for a souls sense of individual identity. Three of the most significant currents can be simplified as the Peace, Curiosity, and Hope currents. Looking at these currents can show how freely we allow energetic flow and access to the different areas of ourselves. If there are parts of the soul that have been conditioned by shame or other complex experiences, this can show up in the energetic currents. Alternatively, it’s also possible to follow the energetic currents from the authenticity core to areas in the soul body that are significant to the sense of self.
Perspective - How we Experience ‘the All’
As the Authenticity Core extends further away from the Authenticity Hub and closer towards the ‘top’ of the sphere, the energetic currents are typically more localized towards outwards perspective. The flow of these energetic currents are typically more intricate as they prepare to merge towards junction ports near the consciousness connection hub. Similarly to how blockages or flows of amplification can be identified in the currents associated with Power and Identity, the same can be done for the more perspective-oriented currents. However, at least with human-incarnated souls, there is also the opportunity to look for areas of ‘tangling’ which in a simplified view translates to areas of confusion around perspective. These are typically around themes that are still being actively explored or that there have been complex experiences around in a current or recent incarnation. This is also where the majority of foreign energy or distortion originates in the Authenticity Core. Typically blockages further down in the Power or Identity currents were first distorted in the perspective currents - from an experience had with another individual or larger societal construct. But it’s also where seeds of inspiration, new identity, and fuel are sparked and can be found in the creation of new currents of energy before they have grown and extended down through the whole of the Authenticity Core.
The Authenticity Grid
Looking at the Authenticity Grid
A stylized depiction of the energetic overlay called the Authenticity Grid. Keep in mind this would likely be somewhat transparent and as you ‘zoom in’ you would see smaller structures and pathways. The structure of folds and the coloring would be unique for each soul.
Authenticity Grid - A sheet-like overlay encasing the soul body and constructed of a complex network of micro-mechanism threads and pathways. The grid aids in a more communicative interaction among structures in the soul body. As the foundational energetic overlay structure in the soul body, it’s also what all other energetic overlays are initially created from and bound to.
Energetic Overlays, often categorized as Grid’s in soul mechanism discussion, are somewhat comparable to auric layers in the human body; they’re like energetic meshes that wrap around (or through) the whole of the soul mechanism body. The Authenticity Grid was the first to be created and serves as the outer connection bridge to the Authenticity Core and Hub. It is the first line of communication between them and the other energetic overlays that will develop as a soul evolves, and is essentially what allows for the Authenticity Hub to develop by gathering ‘stories’ as it is the foundational connecting point to the external. A unique ‘folding’ pattern develops within the Authenticity Grid over time providing insight into the way the soul is communicating and interacting with energy in it’s own special way. Symbols can appear in the folds as well as rhythmic patterns. Depending on the area of a fold it can also show where heightened attention is focused in certain areas. Though this requires additional awareness of what other mechanism structures are situated behind those ‘folds’. In order to simplify, The network of mechanisms in the Authenticity Grid tend to focus on the following types of energetic interactions:
As the connective layer between the Authenticity Core, Authenticity Hub, and other Energy Grids, many of the micro-mechanism pathways and threads are solely focused on the intelligence required to make those connections. This often requires a complex process of subtle transmutation to transition energies from various density and dimensional levels so that they can continue through to other layers or have the energetic information translated. Looking at a souls unique grid structure and connection networks can illuminate areas where there is resistance to embodiment, and depending on the area or localization, also where a soul may have amplified skillsets or unique ‘gifts’.
As the Authenticity Grid is carrying energy and information from the Authenticity Core and Hub, there are a series of micro-mechanism pathways and structures that are focused on the sorting and relay of that energy out to other energetic layers. While this seems relatively mundane, there is always individualization that occurs over time and information that can be gleaned from the way a specific souls authenticity grid develops. Oftentimes the areas of significant folding are also areas of high transmission rate between inner mechanisms to outer layers. This tends to be indicated by the deeper folding and ‘dips’ in the layer as more energy is localized closer towards the inner mechanisms to gather and carry the energy throughout the grid and to other layers. Looking at this area in the Grid can illuminate where there is difficulty sharing certain areas or themes with others, as well as areas that there is an emphasis on sharing, and other themes around the transmission of inner energy to outer appearances or to other people.
Similarly to the themes around Transmission, there are also micro-mechanism pathways and structures that are focused on the ability to sort and carry energy or information from other energetic grids in towards the Authenticity Core and Hub. While there can sometimes be synchronicity between the areas of high transmission or impression rate, typically there are unique fluctuations and variations. The structures focused on impressions are also more strongly impacted by interactions with the energetic grids of other places and beings, adding an additional level of analysis that can be garnered from looking at unique fluctuations in structure. The way that a soul receives and imparts energy into itself can illuminate tendencies like how hard they are on themselves, how they connect to synchronicities, or even how they process new or difficult information.
Working with Your Authenticity Framework
You are essentially always evolving your authenticity framework simply by being alive and navigating your everyday experiences. But if you want to develop your connection to your soul body and energies in your Authenticity Framework, here’s some inspiration to get started:
Building a connection with your ancestors and spirit team will naturally help harmonize your authenticity hub.
Practicing your inherent connection to your soul records/Akashic Records through automatic writing will help you activate all aspects of your Authenticity Framework but especially your Authenticity Hub.
Pulling tarot/oracle cards with your spirit team to ask for advice on how to harmonize and better embody the energies in your authenticity framework.
Explore your past lives through guided meditation, setting intentions before going to sleep, or with a trusted practitioner.
In the physical human body, The Authenticity Core most closely associates with the Spine, the Authenticity Hub most closely associates with the DNA and Pelvis Bones, and the Authenticity Grid would be associated with the skin at the back of the neck. Sending loving energy to these areas, massaging them, or otherwise working with them can amplify ability to embody the wisdoms of these structures.
If there’s a certain theme that was brought up in this blog post that you resonated and you know you would benefit from healing on, you can ask the spirit surgeons or healers on your spirit team to give you an energy healing on that area of your authenticity framework, or reach out to your trusted spiritual practitioner.
I’ve developed a breathing technique with my spirit team called Spherical Breathing that I explain the reasoning for here, and offer a guided meditation for here. This technique naturally activates the flow of energy through the authenticity core and the rest of the authenticity framework.
I have Soul Mechanism Inquiries available for booking to learn more about your Authenticity Framework that you can read more about here.